Pulse Magazine

1 - Ferrin - Pulse Magazine - Adobe Indesign, Illustrator, Photoshop - 16 11" x 8.5" pages - Advanced Visual Communications - Spring 2013

(if embeded magazine below doesn't work...you can access the magazine by clicking here. )

Development of Logo & Masthead

Museum of Ancient Life Pamphlet

2 - Ferrin - Museum of Ancient Life Pamphlet - Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop - 11" x 17" - Typography & Publication - Fall 2012

Galaxy Logo Identity

3 - Ferrin - Galaxy Logo Identity-  Adobe Illustrator- 11" x 17"- Visal Communications - Fall 2012

Center for Diversity & Unity Posters

4 part 1 - Ferrin - The Tunnel of Oppression Event Poster- Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop - 11" x 17" - Commissioned by Center for Diversity & Unity  - Spring 2013

4 part 2 - Ferrin - Taboo Talks Poster- Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop - 11" x 17" - Commissioned by Center for Diversity & Unity - Spring 2013

These two posters are examples of some of the work I have done as the Executive Graphic Designer for the WSU Student Association this semester.

"Do Not Disturb" Book Cover

5 - Ferrin - "Do Not Disturb" Book Cover- Adobe Illustrator, Indesign- 20" x 8" - Visual Communications - Fall 2012

Cosmos Videos Website

6 - Ferrin - Cosmos Videos Website- Dreamweaver, Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop - 6 functional pages - Introduction to Web Design - Spring 2013

A redesigned website for Cosmos Videos, a videostore in East Kaysville. Cosmos is an old family-run videostore that specializes in old, rare, and hard-to-find videos that Redbox and Netflix can't provide. To best represent the company the webpage has a trendy - vintage look with unique illustrations that seperate Cosmos from other video sites.


Dual Posters on Marriage Equality

7 - Ferrin - Dual Posters on Marriage Equality - Adobe Illustrator - 11" x 17" - Visual Communications - Fall 2012

Two dualing posters dealing with the social issue of marriage equality.

Orpheus Etching

8 - Ferrin - Orpheus copper-plate Etching with Digital Coloring - 9" x 10" - Intro to Printmaking- Spring 2012


9 Part 1 - Ferrin - Do Olympic Host Countries Win More Medals Infograph - Adobe Illustrator - 11" x 17" - Visual Communications - Fall 2012

9 Part 2 - Ferrin - James Bond Infograph - Adobe Illustrator - 11" x 17" - Visual Communications - Fall 2012

Scoop's Home Made Ice Cream Logo

This logo was created as part of my Visual Communications class as an exercise to turn a symbol into a business identity. The logo's symbol was developed out of a simple diamond shape and then incorporated into a 50's inspired design.

1 - Ferrin - Scoop's Logo - Adobe Illustrator - 11" x 17" - Visual Communications - Fall 2012

(Text from poster)
"The design for Scoop’s Home Made Ice Cream is inspired by and fashioned after vintage signage from the 1950’s. A logo calling back to this time period is crucial for the personality and identity of the shop. Design from the 1950’s evokes feelings of dependability, endurance, and of family values. Before even entering the shop the logo promises the customer an escape from the fast-food eating establishments of today and a return to the intimate, family friendly, and trustworty eating establishing of an earlier time. The assurance of friendly service and high-quality home-made desserts is also made clear. The typography, symbol, and color of the logo are crucial in creating this identity. The combination of Pusab and Freehand 575 fonts create an eye catching look that is both big and bold yet playful and unique. The ice cream symbol is likewise soft and playful and stylistically calls back to an earlier time.The logo incorporates 4 colors, but most crucial are the uses of light tan and pink. Not only do they call back to earlier design period, but they speak to the viewer at an emotional level. Pink is playful, sweet, and emotionally calming while tan evokes dependability. All pieces work together successfully to create a logo which is as delicious and sweet as the ice-cream itself and promises dependability and a high quality experience at the same time."

Shine the Light Book

This book was inspired by two songs which contain conflicting lyrics on hope and light. Using excerpts from Lights by Ellie Goulding and the emotionally charged Gollum's Song by Emiliana Torrini I created a book that showcases a struggle between hope and despair. To bring the text to life all of the typography and imagery featured in the book was hand-done and was printed on either transparent or bright yellow paper. I included most, but not all, of the pages below to best illustrate the transitions and narrative of the piece.
2 - Ferrin - Shine the Light - Adobe Illustrator and transparancy paper - Experimental Typography - Spring 2012
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